Friday, March 20, 2009


"And yeah, if you are having children right now you are being selfish. You’re stealing. Stealing from the future. Stealing from the rest of humanity. Stealing from every living thing on the earth right now." --Steven Kotler

Just so you know, this conversation has still been going on here.


  1. In reference the ongoing blog conversation you mentioned, I have followed it and have found it informative as well as important. For me, I know some basic truths, but I don't feel competent yet to connect the dots through some of the ambiguous territory--I need to learn more, or to hear more of God's voice. I appreciate the discussion.

    Your actual quote for this post reminds me of
    Lillie Freeze, who told of a prophecy Joseph Smith made (though obviously we haven't arrived at this point): "He said the time would come when none but the women of the Latter-day Saints would be willing to bear children." (Young Woman's Journal, Nov. 1890, 81)

  2. Who is really stealing from the future, is it someone who decides to bring a child into this life, or a politician who spends huge amounts of money, with no intentions of paying this debt off. Why, because paying it off would be political suicide. Leaving such a huge financial burden on future generations could easily lead to a collapse and poverty in the future.

    How much money is the recently passed Stimulus(so called) Bill. If you went back to the day that Mary gave birth to Jesus and spent $1 million each and every day until now it would not add up to the amount these people just allocated.

    Here's another way to look at it:
