Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Who's responsible for my health?

Have you seen "Supersize Me"? Basically the movie is a self documentary, about this this guy who decides to eat at McDonalds three times a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner, for 30 days. He ordered a "value meal" each time, and if the counter person asked him if he would "like that supersized" he would say yes. So, that was his experiment, to see what would happen to him. In the end he gained a whole bunch of weight, and all kinds of health problems. Before the 30 day experiment was up, his doctor told him he better stop or he might die from the complications. I can't remember if the guy stopped before the 30 days or not.

I just went through the McDonalds drive through for lunch. Over the speaker the lady asked me if I would like my value meal "large sized" because it is on sale. When I got up to the window, I asked her if they changed the "super size" name to "large size." She said that large size is smaller than super size, and they don't have super size anymore because the guy who made the Supersize Me movie sued McDonalds and many of the McDonalds stores lost (I don't know if she meant went out of business or what). So, this guy ON PURPOSE eats McDonalds super sized meals three times a day for 30 days, his doctor tells him to stop or he is going to die. Then he sues McDonalds. What do you think about that?


  1. I think you make a good point: everybody is sue-happy these days. Any way to get something for nothing!!!

    That guy made them look really bad, but you're right, it was his own decision to eat the junk in the first place.

  2. The sueing is crazy. But maybe this points to the fact that people have given part of themselves up to the mass culture. Thus, a marketing strategy by McDonald's can be seen as taking advantage of the now subcomplete humans.

    What I can't understand is why someone would supersize at McDonald's in the first place. It's hard enough to eat even a small amount of their food. (Yes, I know the obvious reply to that: a subcomplete human wouldn't be able to tell what the food actually tastes like.)

    P.S. No offense to all of you who like their food.

  3. lol. Poor mcdonalds. First they get sued for hot cofee and have to put a warning on their containers: contents are very hot.

    Then they got sued for their supersized, calorie and fat packed meals. Why didn't they just put a warning on the side of the bag that says, "not reccomended as a regular meal, may cause liver failure?"

    I actually love big macs. It's my downfall as a vegetarian. Sigh. Been doing better lately, though. And I will never get that scene out of my head, where he leaned out the window and his first supersize meal came up. Sooooo grooooss. I highly reccomend it (the movie).

  4. How could anyone stand to eat more than one McDonald's meal in a day? That just boggles my mind.

  5. I think the guy says he actually becomes addicted to the food after awhile. Maybe it is an acquired taste, like coffee, or beer? The thing is, he went out to prove that McDonalds is unhealthy by destroying his own health, then sued the company because of THEIR irresponsibility?? No sane person would eat at McDonalds three times a day. But I think people do eat a meal here and there, because it is fast and easy, and cheap (cheaper than cooking). I like the fries (which I’m sure is the biggest supersized killer of all). One of my many downfalls.

  6. And let's face it, Mickey D's makes a darn good egg mcmuffin! Mmmm, I want one right now! Uh oh, maybe I should start having egg mcmuffins for every meal and then, when I get sick, see if I can get some money out of it. Dang, that's not going to work; I just remembered they don't serve breakfast after 11. Rats.
