Thursday, December 10, 2009

3, now 4 emhases for salvation

The church has added an additional mission to complete the current trifold mission of the church. We are now a four-fold gospel.

The new addition?

See here.

How do you all feel about it? I kinda feel like jumping with joy, sunbeam-style.


  1. I really like the idea.

    I've always integrated helping the poor with the "perfecting the saints" mission, but thinking about it more, it seems nice to have the helping the poor as a more vocal part of the overall mission of the church.

    It will be interesting to see if integrating that as part of the "threefold" explanation of the mission of the church helps us as members of His chuch to focus on one of Christ's greatest teachings.

  2. It's interesting to look at the timing of when the Lord emphasized a particular thing, or inspired a particular framework.

    In this case, it makes me think that this might be an indication of a shift in the times we are living in--things in society are shifting in a particular direction, and so the emphasis is too. And also, a particular man is called to be prophet at this time.

    (Of course, "ye have the poor always with you" Matt. 26:11--we know that this charge to help the poor and needy has been perrenial in this world, and with high priority--neglecting them is one of the great condemnations in the scriptures. But, even so, the Lord's knowledge of chains of events leads to His reasoning in how he focuses His institution. For example, Mosiah 4:27 reads in the context of helping the poor and needy, "see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength.")

  3. That's a good point, Uncle Ron.

    Maybe we're suddenly at the point where we have the resources, and also the softening worldly opinions of some, that make the church more capable of focusing on service regardless of denomination.

    President Monson has always emphasized service above all the other messages I think. And he'll likely live for a long time, too :)

    I think you're right, Heavenly Father is prodding us in a certain direction right now.
