Friday, October 2, 2009

Few and Far Between

There has been so much going on everywhere around us and I am sure that that IS the reason for the few and far between postings. I mean, we have been so busy and the world has been coming apart around us.

Me? I totally forgot all about this blog until I went to my blogs and this was at the top of the list. Now how in the heck did that happen? How did this blog worm its way to the top? Hmmm? It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Blame it on the Great Pumpkin!

Speaking of pumpkins, there was a news item on one of our Tulsa, OK stations that said we might not have pumpkin pie this holiday season. I'm not sure why but maybe all the squash that goes into Libby Pumpkin Pie Mix are grown near Fresno, CA and we should all be aware of what is going on there. If not, why don't you Google (or Bing) the following keywords: Fresno Farmers Water Federal Government. That should get you the results you need I think. I you have cans of the Libby pie mix perhaps you can sell them on Ebay for $100 a can.

If congratulations are in order please allow me to congratulate you. Congratulations!

See you all later.


  1. Well I'll be a pumpkin pie with no fillin at Thanksgivin!

    I hope it decides to rain in California. I need my pumpkin pie fillin!

  2. I've been following the water issue for a while, living here in the San Joaquin Valley. I do think growing food is important for several reasons.

    But also I heard last week on the Ag news (at about 5:45 a.m.) that there is supposed to be an especially good pumpkin crop this year. I don't remember if that meant a lot of pumpkins or that the ones they do have are especially good. Anyway, I think that applied to fresh pumpkins--I don't know about the ones that end up in the can.
