Thursday, February 26, 2009

A funny video that reminds me of some of our recent comments...

Are Violent Video Games Adequately Preparing Children For The Apocalypse?


  1. Collecting morning dew in human skulls... hehe.

  2. This is awesome! "Hack and hack and hack..." Haha!

  3. BAHAHAHA!!! Sorry. Jeff and I had a conversation kind of like this the other day. He likes playing video games on occasion (and I fully appreciate that he keeps it to "on occasion"). The other day he was playing a little and I looked over his shoulder. He was playing a game that was actually made to help army guys fight in combat or something. Anyway, I said, "how does this help people learn how to fight in combat?" Have they studied the exact physics of gravity and aiming and angles and geometry and factor in things like wind... etc..." we had quite a long and wonderful conversation about it (mostly teasing on both sides). But he needs to watch this. And maybe I can get him to comment. :)

  4. Nosurf-- we'd love to have Jeff as an author on the blog, too, if he would be at all interested!

  5. Cool.

    We are gods and thus can create a whole world and reality that we really believe--that's one of the seeds of truth that makes it possible for this video to be funny.

    Another thought: In the post-apoctalyptic world males and females will be completely different species. With cloning this will be possible. In this video we are exploring only the future of the male species. (I suppose girls play them too, but I'll bet not nearly as much.)

  6. Hmmm... maybe in a female post-apocolypse, we'd better worry more about suddenly becoming rock stars and having to keep our friends in the dark, or suddenly having to give birth to babies with heads the size of watermelons, followed by bodies the size of chewing-gum sticks.

    Or perhaps we have to worry about a sudden booming population of teeny pony people, so we'd better hone our micro-construction skills.
